North America
- Leader of residential program planning for the New Jersey Clean Energy Programs market manager team. Worked with partner Honeywell to dramatically increase volume of CFLs in residential lighting planned. Developed ground-breaking community-based, social marketing-based initiatives.
- Advisor to Efficiency Vermont award winning residential energy efficient products and new homes programs.
- Leader of VEIC’s support to the Long Island Power Authority’s Clean Energy Initiative. Developed policy and analyzed results for residential energy efficiency programs. Special focus on residential HVAC program development including implementation of Quality Installation Verification component.
- Review of Hydro Quebec’s residential energy efficiency program portfolio with Dunsky Energy Consult.
- Consultant to Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Collaborative. Provided technical review for the “Non-utility Parties” of Massachusetts utilities’ residential energy efficiency programs.
- Consultant to the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Helped to develop an approach for managing project information generated from their Green Buildings grant program.
- Consultant to the Natural Resources Defense Council under a grant from the US EPA in support of the Energy Star efficient lighting programs. Included development of first Applied Lighting Package (ALP) specification.
- Consultant to the Vietnam Energy Efficient Public Lighting Project, helping Vietnam to develop a center for technical and manufacturing expertise for energy efficient lighting. For the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with funding provided through the Global Environment Fund though the United Nations Environment Program.
- Consultant to the China Green Lights Project, supporting efforts to improve the quality of energy efficient lighting produced in China. For the government of the People’s Republic of China and the United Nations Development Program.
- Contracted trainer for the Academy for Educational Development (AED) South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/E) series of workshops on energy sector development in South Asia. In January 2002 made five presentations at the SARI/E workshops on energy efficiency standards and labeling held in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Technical consultant and South Africa country manager for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group on the development and implementation of the Efficient Lighting Initiative (ELI) from 1998-2001. The Global Environment Facility provided $15 million in funding to support multi-sector lighting market transformation programs as a green house gas reduction strategy in seven developing countries. Main areas of responsibility were overall program management responsibility for ELI activities in the Republic of South Africa, and the drafting, refinement and administration of the ELI lighting technical specifications for use in all seven ELI countries. Accomplishments included qualifying more than 200 different models of compact fluorescent lamps from more than 18 manufacturers for participation in ELI.
- Program manager to the IFC for the IFC/GEF Poland Efficient Lighting Project (PELP). This $5 million market transformation effort accelerated the market for CFLs in Poland. Accomplishments included drafting CFL energy efficiency specifications, developing program designs, and managing in-country program staff. PELP showed through a comprehensive, post-hoc evaluation that a residential lighting efficiency effort in a transitional economy could yield quantifiable greenhouse gas emissions reductions. (PELP evaluation available upon request)
- Consultant to the Natural Resources Defense Council under a grant from the US EPA in support of Energy Star programs. Work included helping to draft and revise Energy Star technical specifications, and drafting and editing technical documents on energy efficient lighting. Also organized private and public sector stakeholders to resolve technical issues with energy efficient lighting products, and helped to organize a US effort to provide independent quality and performance testing of energy-efficient residential lighting products (known as PEARL).
- Consultant to the Government of Thailand (through ERM-Siam)on an international team with Thai government officials to develop model appliance efficiency standards for Thailand. Reviewed efficacy of prescriptive standards for efficient lighting in the Thai context with an active black market in counterfeit and smuggled products.
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