Grasteau Associates
Innovative Energy Efficiency
Program, Design & Implementation Worldwide
- Jim S.
Millville, NJ

Publications & Presentations

CFLs in the USA – Market and Technical Status Report
Proceedings of the Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting conference June 2009, Berlin, Germany

Comments on ENERGY STAR Homes and The future of Sustainable Residential Buildings in North America
presentation at Passivhaus 13 (2008), Nuremburg, Germany

The House the Economist Built
(poster presentation with Peter Schneider) presented at the ACE3 2006 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

Screw-Based CFLs or Pin-Based Fluorescent Fixtures: Which Path to Greatest Lighting Energy Savings in Homes?
(coauthor with Richard Faesy, Jeff Pratt and Margie McNally) presented at the ACE3 2004 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

Presentation on energy efficiency labeling for the Academy for Educational Development (AED) for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy
(SARI/E) January 2002 workshop on energy efficiency in Bankok, Thailand.

The IFC/GEF Poland Efficient Lighting Project (PELP): Final Results
(with Sabrina Birner, Cliff Aron & Richard Woodward) ACE3 2000 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Berkeley, CA.

Lighting the Way to Energy Savings:  How Can We Transform Residential Lighting Markets?
(with Chris Calwell, Lois Gordon and My Ton), Natural Resources Defense Council, December, 1999.

The IFC/GEF Poland Efficient Lighting Project (PELP): Evaluation Results and Next Steps
(with Sabrina Birner) presented at the ECEEE Summer Session 1999.

Case Study: The IFC/GEF Poland Efficient Lighting Project (PELP)
Proceedings of the 1997 Right Light Four Conference, IAEEL, November 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Energy-Efficient Residential Luminaires: Technologies and Strategies for Market Transformation, Final Report
submitted to the U.S. EPA, May 13, 1996 (with Calwell).

Direct Manufacturer Incentives for Compact Fluorescent Lamps: New Program Report
1995 Right Light Three Conf., IAEEL, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (with Calwell).

A National Residential and Small Commercial High Efficiency Lighting Initiative
Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, ACE3, Berkeley, CA. (with Calwell, Charlie Stephens, William Grimm and William Von Neida).

Report On A Successful Initiative in Residential Lighting Program Design
Proceedings of the ACE3 1994 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Berkeley, CA (with Grimm).

Utility Program Evaluates Power Quality Implications of CFLs
Energy User News, San Francisco, CA. May 1993.

Energy Fitness: Evaluating Program Impacts
Home Energy Magazine, Berkeley, CA. Vol. 9, #6 Nov/Dec 1992.

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